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FLIR thermal imaging cameras secure the perimeter of Industriepark Höchst

With its state of the art technical infrastructure, perfect access to international transit

routes and its proximity to key suppliers and financial markets, it is no wonder that

many of the world’s leading chemical and pharmaceutical companies have set up

facilities in Industriepark Höchst, near Frankfurt. The industrial park facilitates more than

90 companies within an area of over four square kilometers.

Within the premises of Industriepark Höchst there are over 800 rental properties,

120 production plants and over 80 laboratory and office buildings that accommodate the

in total 22,000 employees that work there. The compound stretches over 460 hectares of

which 50 are still available for relocating or expanding companies. There are three means

of transportation in and out of the park: by car, by train and by boat.

Security: a major priority

Given the importance and in some cases sensitivity of the chemical and  pharmaceutical production facilities and

related process industries located at   Industriepark Höchst, security is a major  priority. Securing such a large area with so

many access paths isn’t an easy task. As the   service company of the industrial park it is   Infraserv Höchst that has the responsibility

to make sure the park is safe and secure.   Infraserv supplies the companies that  inhabit the industrial park with energy,

disposes of waste, and provides access to  business space and infrastructure. Its service       portfolio ranges from environmental,

security and safety services all the way to   health products, communications and IT.   To be able to effectively secure the entire

perimeter of this large industrial complex,   even during the night, Infraserv uses    thermal imaging cameras from FLIR.

“We have installed security cameras of several   different types to cover the entire perimeter of   the industrial park, including several thermal

imaging cameras”, explains Thomas Krüger,  head of the control center at Infraserv. “The   thermal imaging cameras we use are the FLIR

SR-313, with a 35 mm lens and the FLIR SR-324   with a 19 mm lens. We chose these cameras   because they were an effective and affordable

solution for the challenges that we had to face  with securing this dynamic industrial park.”

Perfect night vision   Thermal imaging cameras provide perfect   night vision in even the darkest of nights.

Intruders show up very clearly in a crisp  thermal image due to the contrast in  temperature between a person and his

surroundings. But that’s not all; thermal  imaging cameras can also see through

obscurants like smoke, dust, foliage and  fog better than a CCTV camera.

Krüger is very happy with his FLIR thermal   imaging cameras. “Sometimes I wish that I

had this technology at my disposal when   we started installing our security network. I

probably would have installed many more

thermal imaging cameras than we have

now, for in most situations they’re much

better than CCTV cameras.”

Krüger purchased the FLIR thermal imaging

cameras from FLIR products distributer

VIDEOR. As one of the leading European

distributors of professional video technology

VIDEOR has a market experience of over

thirty years. The wide product range of

the near Frankfurt based company covers

components and integrated systems in the

security, networking, imaging and broadcast

sectors, based on strict quality standards.

Bird’s eye view

Due to his positive experience with thermal

imaging, Krüger is now contemplating to

install a new thermal imaging camera in a

high location. The best solution for such an

location is probably the FLIR PTZ-35x140

MS thermal imaging camera. With its two

thermal imaging cameras and one low light

camera it provides perfect vision, even in

total darkness. The two thermal imaging

cameras provide a continuous optical

zoom, with a wide angle thermal imager for

situational awareness and a narrow fieldof-

view imager that has been designed for

mid-range target recognition.

If Krüger would choose to opt for the

FLIR PTZ-35x140 MS, it would be able to

utilize its long range performance to its full

potential from its high vantage point and

with its full 360° viewing capability it would

be able to observe the entire park. “That

would be quite useful”, explains Krüger. “Not

only could we use that to spot intruders, we

could also put it to good use in case of fire

or spillage, monitoring and directing the

firefighting or salvage operation.”

No lights needed

The thermal imaging cameras that are

already operational have proved their use.

“We’ve put them in locations where it’s

difficult for CCTV cameras to be effective”,

explains Krüger. “In certain areas it is difficult

due to the infrastructure to put up proper

lighting, for instance. With a thermal

imaging camera you don’t need lights.”

Thermal imaging cameras are incredibly

useful to see at night, but according to

Krüger that’s not their only advantage.

“Both the FLIR SR-313 and the FLIR SR-324

have an excellent range performance.”

Depending on the conditions these two

thermal imaging cameras can detect

trespassers at a range of up to respectively

450 and 780 meters.

Better range with thermal imaging


Thermal imaging cameras in general have

a better range performance than CCTV

cameras, explains Krüger. “With a CCTV

camera you have to depend on visual

contrast to be able to see a person that’s

trespassing, but that can be quite difficult,

especially when lighting conditions aren’t

perfect, such as on a cloudy day for

instance. The contrast on a thermal image

is much bigger, due to the difference

in temperature and thermal radiation

between a person and his surroundings.

Due to that fact you can detect a person

with a thermal imaging camera at a larger

distance than with a CCTV camera. And

because you can see farther with one

camera, you need fewer cameras to cover

the same area.”

‘Very good return on investment’

According to Krüger this makes thermal

imaging cameras very cost-effective. “Not

only because you need fewer cameras.

Installing a complete security solution

involves a lot more than just the camera

itself. There’s an entire infrastructure you

have to take into account. For every

camera you install you need a power

supply line, a mast for the camera to be

mounted on and with a CCTV camera

you also have to install several streetlights

to make it effective at night. A thermal

imaging camera needs only one mast and 

no lighting. The total cost of ownership

for a thermal imaging camera is extremely

low so even though the price of one

thermal imaging camera is higher, in the

end it is cheaper to install a thermal

imaging camera than to install several

CCTV cameras. In my opinion thermal

imaging cameras really offer a very good

return on investment.”

Monitoring inaccessible areas

The better range of a thermal imaging

camera isn’t just important for costeffectiveness

explains Krüger: “Due to

the longer range you can use thermal

cameras to monitor inaccessible areas that

are difficult to cover with CCTV cameras.

Here at Infraserv Höchst we have the

problem that some parts of the perimeter

we monitor are under constant danger

of flooding, because we’re located on the

banks of the river Main. That situation

makes it very challenging to secure those

areas. Ground sensors or fences are not an

option due to the floods and CCTV cameras

combined with lighting also proved to be

an ineffective solution, for the floods would

damage the power supply of both the

cameras and the lights. But with thermal

imaging cameras we can put a camera

outside the flood-threatened area, looking

in, and thus secure that entire area without

risking flood-related damage.”

Fewer unwanted alarms with thermal

imaging cameras

In Krüger’s experience, there is also a

significant difference between thermal

imaging cameras

and CCTV cameras

in the amount of

unwanted alarms.

“We have about one

unwanted alarm a

week with our CCTV

cameras. With our

thermal imaging

cameras we have

about one a year, if

we have any at all.”

“Our video-analysis

software, Aimetis

Symphony, uses complicated


to detect and analyze movement”,


Krüger. “The software then compares the

perceived movement to previously defined

parameters and if the movement is not

within those parameters, an alarm goes off.

But not every unauthorized movement is

a trespasser. The cause of such unwanted

alarms can be a spider crawling across the

camera’s lens, braches of a tree moving in

the wind or even graffiti on a moving train.”

Thermal imaging cameras trigger fewer

unwanted alarms, according to Krüger.

“The difference between thermal imaging

cameras and CCTV cameras is the contrast.

CCTV cameras rely on visual contrast

where thermal imaging cameras rely on

thermal contrast and that difference is very

important, because the thermal contrast is

much bigger than the visual contrast. The

branch of a tree moving in the winds does

not show up as distinctly in the thermal

image as a person does. That means that it

is easier for the video-analysis software to

separate actual intruders from other types

of movement on footage from a thermal

imaging camera. This reduces the amount

of unwanted alarms and that in turn saves

us a lot of time and money.”

Spider webs and sun glare

The unwanted alarm problem isn’t the

only issue where thermal imaging cameras

defeat CCTV cameras, even during the day:

there’s also the issue of sun-glare. “When

the sun shines directly into the lens of a

CCTV camera it is rendered completely

useless” explains Krüger. But this problem

doesn’t just occur with the sun directly

shining into the lens, it can also shine

into the lens indirectly due to reflection.

According to Krüger this happens quite

often with spider webs. “Sometimes there’s

a piece of spider web in front of the camera

that’s so small that you hardly even notice

it. But when the sunlight hits the web in

a certain angle it is reflected into the lens,

blinding the CCTV camera exactly like when

the sun shines directly on it. In such cases

one of our staff must go and remove the

spider web if we want to be able to use the

camera effectively.”

Identifying trespassers

According to Krüger thermal imaging

cameras are superior to CCTV cameras on

all fronts. “In fact, the only reason I still

use CCTV cameras is that they can be

more effectively used to identify trespassers.

That’s important information, because we

can better assess the situation if we know

what type of intruder we’re dealing with

and if we decide to prosecute the trespasser

we give the footage to the police. If we

could use the thermal imaging cameras to

do that than normal CCTV cameras would

be obsolete.”